Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday's Workout
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Burpies and Sit ups.

Friday's Workout
100 push ups for time

As we close of this round of boot camp, I would like to publicly congratulate all the ladies in this session. Many are repeaters and their improvements have shown in just about every aspect of their training.

This month I started incorporating a baseline workout to show them how much they've improved in upper & lower body strength as well as conditioning.

Here are your times ladies. The first time is the baseline from day one of camp and the second number is from today's attempt.

5:30 a.m.

Jill S. 7:27 6:45
Traci F. 8:05
Amy F. 7:33 6:16
Angela W. 8:12
Dawn A. 7:18
Brooke G. 6:00
Mary W. 7:51 7:03
Amy A. 8:11
Kendra C. 6:12
Stacey L. 6:11 5:53
Emily H. 10:21 7:39
Michelle B. 6:18 5:35
Kristie C. 10:44 7:25
Deb M. 8:31
Claire 9:45 6:39
Cheryl T 5:50
Rascia J. 8:06

9:00 a.m.

Angie W. 6:18
Tami T. 8:18
Angie R. 8:43 7:36
Juli B. 6:50 6:44
Shawn H. 6:13
Karen 9:41 7:44
Brooke T. 6:51 6:44
Meg B. 6:06
Mandi D. 7:06 6:52
Lisa H. 8:35
Diane W. 6:50
Patty B. 7:52
Pam S. 10:43
Peggy L. 7:11

Awesome Ladies. I know there was a comment about that some thought their times would be better, but there was a really good point brought up after the 9:00 a.m. class.

And that point was everyone recovered faster from that workout than they did the first time around. I specifically remember everyone laying on the floor coughing and talking about how they felt. Today everyone recovered almost immediately. That in of itself says a lot as to how you improved.

As we close out the last couple of days before the next session, give the two workouts above a shot sometime over the weekend. Keep the ball rolling and I guarantee that you will not have to make a New Years Resolution.......

......because you are living it now.

Always Live A Life of Thanks Giving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pizza Lovers Beware

For those of you who LOVE pizza, here is a recipe to bring a smile to your face without the guilt. After you make it the first couple of times it is really easy to make. I usually like to make a couple of different kinds at the same time because they do not last long.

2 Cups Almond Meal/Flour
2 Eggs
2 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp salt

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. This should give you a ball of “dough”. If your dough is too “mushy” continue to add almond flour until you get a good consistency.
3. Make a pizza sheet or baking tray non-stick. This is VERY important if you want your pizza slices to come off in one piece. (I even put oil on my stoneware!)
4. Press your dough on the sheet nice and even about 1/4 inch in the middle and 1/2 inch at the edges.
5. Put crust in the oven for 15 minutes. It should look slightly golden brown when you take it out.

You will want to pre-cook any meat going on your pizza. Veggies can go on fresh and raw, or cooked depending on your preference. Your favorite cheese will do, we used Feta but would have been nice to have a little bit of melted cheese on top.

1 Small Can Tomato Paste
1/2 – 3/4 Cups Water (To desired thickness)
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
1 Tsp Garlic
1. In a saucepan, combine all ingredients. Use water to desired thickness. We like ours pretty thick. Feel free to add more spice if you want it, too.
2. Simmer on stove for approximately 15 minutes.

Whatever you want!
We used fresh organic baby spinach, turkey pepperoni, grilled chicken, and feta cheese!

Put it all together:
1. After crust comes out of the oven, spread sauce evenly over crust.
2. Add your cheese and toppings evenly on top of sauce.
3. Put back in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 more minutes. Cheese should be evenly melted.
4. Slice and enjoy!

You can literally make your favorite pizza or even experiment something that might sound good.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekend Homework

Many of the core movements for boot camp can be traced back to something related to Olympic Lifting and running. As you study the videos below, really focus on form. Form means everything in exercise. Without proper form, consisting FULL RANGE OF MOTION, speed, power and overall performance will never reach capacity.

There is no reason to beat a dead horse here by covering something already covered by someone much more qualified to explain it than me. The CrossFit "What Is Fitness" journal explains maximum performance in a way better than I've seen in the past.

I encourage you to print it, study it, high light it and read it again. If you are looking to become better athletically then this is a must read. Find it by clicking here.

While the journal is printing look over the videos from the 2008 Olympics and the two on the Pose Running Technique.