What is BOOT CAMP really!?
Over the years, and if you watch "The Biggest Loser", then there is a chance you may have the wrong impression of what boot camp is really all about. As you look over this blog you will notice there are no pictures of me yelling, no screaming (except for the ladies maybe doing so at me) and no crazy exercises only professional athletes can tackle.
What you see are smiles. People having fun doing things they may have not done since grade school - today's kickball included. My approach to fitness is quite simple.....give people a great workout by allowing them to let loose while giving them the opportunity to have fun doing so.
Spending these past three 3 weeks with the 21 Rapid Fat Loss boot campers has opened my eyes for the need to change my approach with fitness. The same approach that found me success in the past is not the same thing that works today. We are all stressed and just want to have fun again. There was nothing more fun than going out for recess in school.
All week I get to hear about Gage's days outside. Matter of fact, every day I pick him up from school I will ask him how his day was and what he learned in school. Almost every time it's the same, "I don't remember, but guess what we did out at recess?"
These are the times that will stick with us forever.
Why, you ask?
Because they were fun. We were given the opportunity to be a kid and do what kids do.......play with a total disregard for what is safe and an almost reckless abandonment in order to live in the moment. This is my new approach to fitness.
CrossFit is the best methodology on this planet, but there are times when we need to go back to our childhood roots. Where yes the activity may suck because it is difficult, but we still do it because it's plain and simply....fun!

Shawn held that sucker for 6:08!!

That is the longest I've seen anyone hold that plank. Truly amazing!!
As boot camp progresses, you will notice several videos and pictures of what the ladies are doing. Always fun and most importantly result oriented. It won't be long before the copy cats starts copying boot camp just like they did with CrossFit. But it's always more fun leading the pack than trying to catch up. And that is the same approach I ask each all of my boot campers. To all of you in this first camp, you are all awesome!!
Enjoy the videos!!