Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 1

Here it is 11:34 p.m. Sunday night December 20, 2009. After returning from Austin a few weeks ago for a business training event, I realized it would be a good idea to help get all the coaches speaking through their own personal blogs. A means to let people see what makes them tick instead of always hearing my 2 cents on the CrossFit Michiana site.

Well in doing so I've finally decided to keep a "journal" if you will of things that come to mind. I've had a hidden desire for some time now to write a book and this could very well prove to be a way to keep notes. That and along with a little venting here and there about things that get me riled up, but won't go on the main site.

As the title of my blog states, "Maximum Effort Equals Maximum Results", let me come out of the gate balls to the wall!!

This first post is called "Day 1" for a simple reason. Because it may prove to be a public record of me losing my sanity. And this is in regards to everything I've come to know and love about what I am blessed to do.

I am what you can call a life long student. I love to study everything about exercise and the science of what makes us tick. From biochemistry and human physiology to the psychological reasons why we act the way we do - I want to learn as much as I can.

The biggest downfall to this type of life.......Frustration!

I am in complete amazement at how, who I would at one time deem trusted sources, would turn into the typical "expert". Without dropping names and getting caught up in the politics going on right now, I will say this frustration on my part has forced me to become more driven in my research.

In future posts I will cover several topics in regards to the science of nutrition. And I'm doing this for no reason other than to get my thoughts and my research collected together in a place where I can access it anywhere. As far as I know, at the time of this writing there are maybe 2-3 people who know I have this blog. So if you stumble across it then you may or may not find some relevant info here.

In closing, the last thing I will attempt to wrap my head around before going to bed is how 2 of the most potent, success driven eating lifestyles -The Zone and The Paleo Diet - use the same ingredients in what they call food supplements to their diets that are used in every other processed food out on the market.

With that, it's off to bed to fall asleep as I read "The Slight Edge". Good night all.

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